Meaning of CHITF Logo

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  • the blue fist, color CHAN HUN, a blue sky hut, pseudonym of General Choi
  • two kicks represent female and male with equal genders in TKD
  • the globe means that CHITF will unify all TKD brothers and sisters, regardless of style and affiliations…..
  • the CHAN HUN calligraphy of our beloved Founder, our root…..
  • light blue background represents the color of Heaven…TKD a gift from Heaven by sending a very special messenger , the Legendary TKD Founder of TKD to educate humanity
  • yellow color the outside edge represents the color of the sun
  • the color of the black border represents the meaning of a Black Belt of Self-confidence, Self-discipline, Success, Determination, Indomitable Spirit, a complete Martial Artist

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List of current affiliations: