2018 – Statement by the Prime Minister on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

December 3, 2018
Ottawa, OntarioThe Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities:“Millions of Canadians live with a disability. They are our parents, spouses, children, colleagues, neighbours, and friends. They are entitled to the same rights and protections as everyone else. Yet, every day, many Canadians with disabilities face unacceptable barriers that hold them back and keep our country from becoming a truly equal place.“While we have made progress towards a more accessible and inclusive society, much work remains to be done. Too many Canadians with disabilities continue to have to break down barriers and fight battles, seen and unseen, alone. Too many face stigma and exclusion where they should find acceptance and support. And too many find their potential limited because of stereotypes and closed minds.

“Over the last three years, the Government of Canada has taken steps to promote the rights of Canadians with disabilities and build a fairer, more accessible country for all. We met with and listened to thousands of Canadians with disabilities to draft Canada’s first national accessibility law – the Accessible Canada Act. The proposed Act, which passed in the House of Commons last week, would help remove and prevent barriers to accessibility across Canada, and promote equal opportunities for all people in Canada, no matter their disability.

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I invite all Canadians to join me in marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. We celebrate the extraordinary accomplishments and contributions of people living with disabilities, and rededicate ourselves to building a barrier-free and better country for everyone.”

PMO Media Relations: media@pmo-cpm.gc.ca
This document is also available at https://pm.gc.ca
Dear Sir,
On behalf of the Chan Hun International TaeKwon-Do Federation (CHITF), I would like to use this special occasion to brief you on the CHITF Special Needs Adapted TaeKwon-Do program, and its development around the world.
CHITF is an international TaeKwon-Do organization that has members from more than 40 countries worldwide with its world headquarters based in Ottawa, Canada. 
CHITF’s international platform is used to uphold our Legendary Founder’s (Gen. Choi Hong Hi) martial art values, techniques, and philosophy. Furthermore, CHITF aims to nurture its strong social-values by organizing, and participating in various activities (ie: social programs, seminars, conferences and championships). 
One of the main goals CHITF has is to remove barriers and improve accessibility of TaeKwon-Do across Canada and around the world. Our federation works hard to promote equal training opportunities for all our members no matter their disability. To ensure that our objective is met, we have established an international committee dedicated to Special Needs Adapted TaeKwon-Do. This committee has worked closely with subject matter experts to develop effective special needs programs, and even in the early phases of this program we have seen a great impact on the social-development in the communities. With the support and recognition from governments in Malaysia and Argentina, we have organized many events such as work-shops, and Adapted TaeKwon-Do tournaments. 
This March, CHITF will be hosting the 1st World TaeKwon-Do Open Championships in Melbourne, Australia. we are excited to announce that there will be a division dedicated to Special Needs Adapted TaeKwon-Do.
CHITF is seeking the support, the assistance and the recognition for the CHITF Special Needs Adapted programs in Canada and around the world.
Sir, thank you for your time and consideration
Phap Lu, 9th Dan MBA