Category Archives: Training

TKD/Meditation training: seminars, courses

2024 –  March 02: Technical Seminar and Certified Umpire Course a Success!

CHITF and CHITF CANADA Technical Seminar and the Certified Umpire Course, hosted by SM Ralph Marin at Iroquois Ontario Canada was well attended with over 50+ students. SGM Phap Lu, SGM Marco Cote, SM Peggy Seely and Sabum Curtis Lu provided an extensive training on Patterns, Sparring and Self Defense with a full afternoon of Umpire training and finalizing with a written exam.

This seminar and Umpire course will prepare everyone for the upcoming May 11 2024 CHITF World Cup championship in Ottawa.

Participant certificates were issued for attending the Umpire course. An exam is written by the Black Belts. If successful, they will be granted Umpire Certification based on rank:

  • 1st Dan to 3rd Dan – National
  • 4th Dan and higher – International
Certificate of Participation
Umpire pocket ID Card

Highlights of pictures and videos.

Technical Seminar:

Umpire Course:

2024- February 03-04: International seminar and grading – Puerto Rico

Black Belt Testing

CHITF World HQs would like to Congratulate to Sabum Julio Carcano Romero, CHITF PUERTO RICO National Commissioner on his newly 6th Dan Promotion!!

From: Julio Carcaño Romero 

Un momento para recordar!! Ayer 3 de febrero fuimos examinados por el Sgm Phap Lu tres alumnos para el rango de cinturón negro 3er dan y este servidor para 6to dan. Es un gran privilegio recibir de la mano del Senior Grandmaster, un gran referente del arte del Taekwon-do, este certificado. Gracias a todos los que nos acompañaron, estudiantes y familiares. Al Sabum Israel Ortiz por siempre estar y felicidades a Luis Sánchez, Lyanne Crys Carcaño Ayala y Gustavo A. Fajardo Torres por su gran ejecutoria en su examen y nueva promoción.

A moment to remember!! Yesterday, February 3rd, we were examined by Sgm Phap Lu, three students for the rank of 3rd dan black belt and this server for 6th dan. It is a great privilege to receive this certificate from the Senior Grandmaster, a great reference in the art of Taekwon-do. Thank you to everyone who joined us, students and family members. To Sabum Israel Ortiz for always being there and congratulations to Luis Sanchez, Lyanne Crys Carcaño Ayala and Gustavo A. Fajardo Torres for their great execution

International Training Seminar

From: Julio Carcaño Romero 

Un éxito total!! Así puede definirse este seminario conducido por el Sgm Phap Lu, un gran referente de Taekwon-do a nivel mundial en nuestro pueblo de Humacao. Estudiantes, instructores y Maestros de diversas organizaciones se dieron cita para aprender del vasto conocimiento de uno de los estudiantes directos del Fundador de nuestro arte marcial; el General Choi Hong Hi. Fue un festival para todos los hermanos y hermanas practicantes de este tremendo arte marcial de la Isla y nuestra Isla hermana,República Dominicana. A todos gracias!!! Taekwon!!!

A total success!! This is how this seminar conducted by Sgm Phap Lu, a great reference for Taekwon-do at a world level in our village of Humacao can be defined. Students, instructors and masters from various organizations met to learn from the vast knowledge of one of the direct students of the Founder of our martial art; General Choi Hong Hi. It was a festival for all brothers and sisters practicing this tremendous martial art on the Island and our sister Island, Dominican Republic. Thank you to everyone!!! Taekwon!!!

Greetings from Puerto Rico! Photo with Sabum Julio Carcano Romero, National Commissioner of CHITF Puerto Rico!


  • Sat Feb 03 – Sabum Romero will be taking his 6th Dan Exam
  • Sun Feb 04 – Seminar with 100+ participants from all different ITF groups
Post Training Celebrations

From: Julio Carcaño Romero

Y luego de un fantástico y didáctico fin de semana junto a Sgm Phap Lu ,donde no sólamente recibimos conocimiento en Taekwon-do sino de la vida, lo despedimos no sin antes darle nuestras más infinitas gracias por su tiempo, devota dedicación al arte del Taekwon-do y por su incansable deseo de preservar el legado del Fundador; General Choi Hong Hi. Buen viaje de regreso. Nos veremos pronto Sir. Taekwon!

And after a fantastic and educational weekend with Sgm Phap Lu, where we not only received knowledge in Taekwon-do but also about life, we said goodbye to him but not before giving him our most infinite thanks for his time, devoted dedication to the art of Taekwon -do and for his tireless desire to preserve the legacy of the Founder; General Choi Hong Hi. Have a good trip back. We’ll see you soon Sir. Taekwon!

2024 – Join Lu’s Taekwon Do

TAEKWON-DO is an art, a philosophy, a sport, a way of life!

  • Bring your child to learn a skill, to exercise with Senior Grand Master Lu and add some great values in their growing-up journey

  • Learn a skill and keep fit

Location: R. A. Centre,  East Wing, Ottawa Canada
Website: Lu’s Taekwon-Do
Phap Lu, 9th Dan, MBA

September 2003 – Special Self Defense Course

“People have to learn to be a bodyguard for themselves…”
Peggy Seely, 8th Dan, BSc.

2023 – December 16: CHITF Australia International Melbourne Training seminar – conducted by SGM Phap Lu

Quote from newly promoted Senior Grandmaster, Robert Lai, Melbourne Australia:
“A big thank you to all that attended the SGM Lu on 16th.December 2023.
It was lovely to see all of you participate in the different activities and contribute to the seminars success.
Your presence and engagement meant a lot to me, and I appreciate it. Thank you for being part of the seminar once more. I hope to see you at future events and to continue our partnership in keeping the legacy of Gen.Choi burning brightly.”

Comments from Black Belt student, Andy Smith who travelled from Townsville, Queensland:
Thank you to GM Lai and Master Lai and all of your team for putting on another great Seminar with GM Phap Lu and family
Sparring session Friday night at RMIT and to follow that up with instructions from Master Peggy Seely and Sabum Curtis Lu.
And pattern work under GM Phap Lu
To all our brothers and sisters of TKD, new and old….always so much fun training together!
Thank you

March 02 2024 – National and Provincial Umpire Course

CHITF CANADA, sanctioned by CHITF, International invites you to International-National and Provincial arbitration seminar on March 2, 2024 (see information on poster).
Transfer Interac to E-mail:
Seminar open to all.
Referee class, black belt 1st dan and up.
Be part of this event! 👊

CHITF CANADA, sanctionné par CHITF, International vous invite au séminaire ainsi qu’au cours d’arbitrage International-National et Provincial le 2 mars 2024 (voir les informations sur le poster).
Transfert Interac à l’adresse courriel :
Séminaire ouvert à tous.
Cours d’arbitrage, ceinture noire 1er dan et plus.
Soyez de l’évènement! 👊

For more information, contact

Click link for  CHITF Competition & Umpire Rules document.